
Hosts, Hostesses and Assistants

The venue has since been closed but its pages remain active as archive. Information on main page.

Wish to have a closer view of the staff members that allow this gem to sparkle? Press a button, and read on!Host Staff available for service use Green LFP Tags.
Assistants and other maintenance roles use Yellow Melding Tags.

Gold, blue and pink statue of a woman in multiple silks before a waterfall.


The players who manage the venue and run the place out-of-character!These two members take on different roles depending on what the night demands of them, and so are not consistently available for hosting services, but are happy to take them when they can!

Hosting Staff

Hosts and hostesses ready to cater to your whims! Available hosts use Green LFP tags. Some have a preference in service style.
All service is SFW.
NOTE: Some staff are only active certain nights - check their profiles!

For host staff not listed here:
Piane, Gwa'ir: Owners' Page
Mal, Hikari, Hyacinth: Trialers

Assistants and Bartenders

The staff members who help keep the show running, whether by greeting you at the door, getting your drinks, or answering your questions!
These staff members use yellow Meld tags to be more easily identifiable!

Trialer Maintenace Staff

-none at current-

Hybrid Staff

Staff members under this category serve as both Host Staff and other maintenance roles on different days or shifts. Please doublecheck their tags for service availability!For hybrid trialers, please see the Trialers page.

Floater Staff

These staff members, for whatever reason, do not operate on a standard, predictable schedule, but otherwise perform the same duties as other host staff or assistants.


The newest of the new! The host staff listed here are going through the ropes and do not yet have dedicated pages - but here's a basic play-by-play for you!

Mal Kharn | he/him, male | Obsidian | Serves all
A Postmaster by day, Mal has a patient temperament and holds everyone in kind regards. He enjoys conversation and is always willing to lend an ear for comfort.
Drink (IC): White Sangria
Hikari Amane | she/her, female | Howlite | Serves all
A fun-loving and enthusiastic girl, Hikari's traveled all around Eorzea, met many folks, learned many things, and wishes to make the world a brighter place!
Drink (IC): Lemon-lime vodka slush
Hyacinth Aiglanor | he/him, male | Iolite | Serves all with male preference
A Keeper from Little Ala Mhigo, Hyacinth blossoms like a flower when you get to know him. Whether that’s joking around, flirting, advice…his ears and metaphorical petals are open.
Drink (IC): 'Georgia' Peach cocktail

Piane Cebe

she/her | female | peridot


Piane is open and friendly, the person you’d see casually walking up to someone alone simply to say ‘hello!’ with a tendency to wear her heart on her sleeve. While her blithe attitude means she'll occasionally cause offense without intending to and she’s a bit ignorant of the conventions of other peoples, this veena viera simply does want to bring people happiness - at least when not distracted by her odd thoughts and musings.As of January 5th, 2023, Piane is no longer offering hostess work. Her drink is still available. Details here (Brilliance main page)

Drink: Love Potion

A blend of ice, rolanberries, bananas and other fruits, with just a shot of vodka - a thick, chilled drink to soothe from the sun’s heat while heating up the night.
(IG Items: Frozen Spirits + Rolanberry)

gallery credit: main photo + image 1 @Yomigammy | all others by player

Gwa'ir Eptco

he/him | male | onyx

Co-owner, Host | Serving: All

A somewhat enigmatic keeper with an unusually painted history, Gwa’ir's the type who thinks a lot, often with a calm attitude and a drive for learning about others. He seems to have a bit of a melancholic side when he can’t figure things out or thinking on the things he left behind to work in this part of Eorzea. Very much the type good with numbers and presentation though, hoping to show clients his best.Rumors abound that his business outside the club is far dirtier than it appears, though...

Drink: Long Island's Iced Tea

Created by the roegadyn bartender, Long Island - a drink made with vodka, tequila, light rum, triple sec, gin, and a bit of cola which gives it its color. Often served in a high glass, it looks very little like alcohol and can be hard to taste what's within, making it a somewhat deceptive drink.
(IG Item: Lemonade)

gallery credit: main photo @Yomigammy

Kiht'sae Bloodmoon

he/him | male | moonstone

Host | Serving: Men | floater

A healer in profession, Kiht’sae is intelligent, witty, and very much a flirt. As life is so often weary and draining, he aims to provide aid and succor in whatever ways he is able. He’s fond of new sights and experiences, and a lover of stories.While he is more inclined toward serving men, Kiht'sae is willing to host women on a purely platonic basis.

Drink: Winter's Hearth

This sweet yet mature pick-me-up is a mixture of hot chocolate (comprised of yak’s milk and the finest heavenly kukuru powder) and red wine (mulled with heavens lemon, La Noscean oranges, and umbral-aspected spices). Served beside a premium, white chocolate bonbon.
(IG Items: Hot Chocolate + Pearl Chocolate)

gallery credit: main photo + image 1 @Yomigammy | all others by player

Coral Adair

she/her | female | zircon

Hostess | Serving: All | Floater

Once the conversation gets rolling, the aspiring idol Coral loves to be a teasing chatterbox. She loves to leave people on the edge of their seats, seeing how far she can push their buttons before they succumb to her charms.
However, if you manage to flip the script on her, she's sure to give you a different kind of show than what she intended...

Drink: Ocean's Kiss

A bit of citrus, a touch of mint, add some blueberries, and some tequila, you have yourself an Ocean's Kiss. Giving you plenty of sweetness with that touch of tart hidden within, this alcoholic drink leaves you just wanting a little more each time, like a teasing kiss. Served in a typical tequila or margarita glass.
(IG Item: Pixieberry Tea)

gallery credit: main photo @Yomigammy | image 1 - Twitter @lethalghoul | all others by player

Delphrine Yomena

she/her | female | tourmaline

Hostess | Serving: All | Saturdays only

Friendly to everyone at first meeting, she tries to present a positive attitude. She is supportive and empathetic, and tries to use these skills to boost the spirits of others. Her recent history has her trying to display more confidence, but sometimes a meek, overly polite Delphrine can surface, if only for a moment. She can get distracted if the conversation turns towards one of her interests or hobbies, speaking and listening with more excitement.

Drink: Sunset Lotus

Capturing the essence of a Hingan sunset is no easy feat, but this drink will make you feel like you’re in the trade city of Kugane. Combining the traditional sake with lychee syrup, pineapple juice, grenadine, and the import known as “vodka,” this drink is sure to ease you into an evening of merriment, as any good sunset should.
(IG Item: Pineapple Juice)

gallery credit: main photo @Yomigammy

Zedahvius Kazalau

he/him | male | titanite

Host | Serving: All

Zedahvius, born amidst the conflict of The Thirteenth, dedicated his life to the mending and healing of the lives scarred by the destruction wrought throughout the realm. Being yanked from his realm by unknown forces, he now works closely with the Scions, being an ever-reliable doctor when needed. When away from the Scions' call, he still carries on his duty with a hunger for knowledge and unending curiosity, traveling the world bringing care to all those in need.Zedahvius' services are platonic only.

Drink: Zedahvius' Shot Shock

A shot of Zedahvius' homegrown dark roast espresso, piping hot topped off with whipped cream liqeur, served with a side of Masala Chai to compliment the cinnamon base of the coffee. A strong kick to start a long day of discovery.
(IG Item: Espresso con Panna + Masala Chai)

gallery credit: main photo @FFXIV_Ashent

Magi Karp

she/her | female | ruby

Hostess | Serving: All | saturday only

As a former worker on a riverboat, she lived most of her youth at sea and on the backwater rivers of Eorzea. She understands the nightlife is a fish eat fish world, so she might snatch away your meal or drink if you're slow on the draw! She enjoys keeping conversations light with jokes while focusing on her guest's interests.

Drink: Shark Bite

A reimagining of the dangers hiding beneath the sea! It brings a sweet and sour profile fighting for dominance with every sip. The drink contains a double shot of spiced rum, blue Curacao, and sour mix. For the final touch, some drops of red grenadine are added on top to simulate blood in the water in this icy cold drink.
(IG Item: Cunning Craftsman's Syrup + Blood Currants)

gallery credit: main photo @FFXIV_Ashent

Raven Starguide

she/her | female | tanzanite

Hostess | Serving: Women

Raven is a shy, but ever trying to be considerate Viera... she does try to view other people to at least be equals in every aspect of her life. She's always one willing to lend a ear either to hear out the troubles of others, or simply to hear of a new tale she hasn't heard of before. She recently has become almost infatuated with how fate has played her hands into other people's lives... perhaps, you will have a new hand to show?

Drink: Stardust

A caramel and apple cider mimosa with a brown-sugar coated rim, this drink gives a feeling of floating into space...
(IG Item: Orange Juice)

gallery credit: main photo @FFXIV_Ashent

Hyacinth Aiglanor

he/him | male


Hyacinth is a keeper from Little Ala Mhigo who seems to be polite and reserved. Once you get to know him, though, he blossoms like a flower. Who knows? Perhaps you will see this side of him...?

Hikari Amane

she/her | female | Thursday only


Born in the harsh city-state of Ul'dah under the watchful eye of her Father, Hikari was a very sheltered and shy girl growing up. When she escaped the clutches of her Father, she traveled around all of Eorzea, finally witnessing the world that she could only dream about. She's met many people, had many teachers, and wishes to make the world a brighter place! She's now a very fun-loving and enthusiastic girl that wishes nothing more than to make your night memorable.

Isao Amaboshi

he/him | male | jasper

Host | Serving: All | Available 12 AM

Isao has a cheerful and spirited disposition. He will take initiative to help others in need of solace. Whether it be to lend his heart, his ear (or horn) or tell a story, Isao wishes for all he encounters and those he has yet to meet, to become their best selves.With a large sweet tooth and a love of looking at flowers, will you become one of Isao's beloved stars?

Drink: Heaven's Gate

Frozen rolanberry mochi chunks infused with sake in a sweet matcha tea.
(IG Item: Matcha + Jellied Compote)

gallery credit: main photo and beach photo by Kaldyr Shinobu

Leveret Vidant

he/him | male | alexandrite

Host | Serving: All

Calm, kind, and charismatic, Leveret is a man absolutely brimming with positivity. He is loyal and understanding, never afraid to lend a shoulder to those in need. His true happiness in life, however, is sharing that fount of happiness within him, brightening the lives of those he meets by whatever means he may.

Drink: Coffee Old-Fashioned

A modern take on an old classic, taking the beloved cocktail and blending it with cold brew espresso for an exciting twist. Topped with an orange peel.
(IG Item: Triple Creme Coffee)

gallery credit: all photos by player

Vonaren E. Stark IV

he/him | male | diamond

Host | Serving: All

Though formerly of the Knights Dragoon, Vonaren has maintained his knightly demeanor lifelong. This gentleman is happy to share the tales of his life, or listen to one of your stories!Gentle, well-spoken, polite and respectful, Vonaren will always address people formally, even those he is closest to due to his upbringing. He was taught to treat people with fairness and honesty, and is very difficult to anger or provoke.Vonaren is married outside host work, so has a preference for platonic service.

Drink: Northern Wind

A cold, icy classic with rum-based coffee liqueur and vodka on the rocks, finished off with a rich heavy cream white as the Coerthan peaks.(IG Item: Heavenly Eggnog)

gallery credit: main photo by player

Senali Kavala

she/her | female | cuprite

Hostess | Serving: All

Senali is an energetic girl - and a graduate of clown college - who loves to exchange stories with her guests. While her definition of fun is more on the chaotic side, she knows when it's time to mellow out.She may be a bit of a wallflower at first, but once the conversation starts flowing and drinks are served, Senali's a cheerful girl with energy in spades. She'll talk your ear off, regaling you with tales of her adventures, and will listen with a sparkle in her eyes as you tell her yours. She'll crack jokes with you, laugh with you, and when you're feeling down she'll give a shoulder to cry on.While willing to host men, Senali has a preference for hosting women.

Drink: Bloodmoon

The Bloodmoon is a deep red drink that tastes strongly of sweet candied apples and berries. The glass is chilled to give the drink a cool, smooth finish, and the rim coated in a layer of brown sugar.
(Drink slowly; with its high alcohol content, if you drink too fast you will get absolutely hammered.)
(IG Item: Grape Juice)

gallery credit: main photo by player


Leorise Fiviale

she/her | female | rose quartz

Hostess | Serving: All | Thurs. only

Will be taken off of hosting roster after Oct. 31st, 2022.A woman whose main priority is herself and hers, Leorise plays and acts cute but hides a sharp tongue and thinks little of most she meets. Despite appearing and acting like a complete socialite, she’s a competent healer and engineer bar none, and thinks strongly of her skill in these fields. Her being a hostess of Brilliance is largely her doing a favor for people dear - but that doesn't mean she has to like it.This woman always has places to go and people to see, and so only flits in every now and then......though mostly because she's also played by the person behind Piane Cebe.

Drink: Black Lie

A La Noscean Pinot Noir is infused with Doman black tea and Gridanian rose petals, adding a complexity to the wine's flavor.
(IG Item: Tsai tou Vounou + Mors)

gallery credit: main photo by player

Einar Hyolfswmhe

he/him | male | saturday only


Einar Hyolfswmhe only recently began embracing Eorzea as his new home. Spending over a hundred years in the land of his ancestors, he still sometimes struggles to understand Eorzean ways. But still, all his work within Brilliance is done with an unmistakable quiet pride. Though he tends to care little for conversation, he will do whatever is within his power to make sure your time at Brilliance is thoroughly enjoyed.

Leveret Vidant

he/him | male | alexandrite

Host | Serving: All

Calm, kind, and charismatic, Leveret is a man absolutely brimming with positivity. He is loyal and understanding, never afraid to lend a shoulder to those in need. His true happiness in life, however, is sharing that fount of happiness within him, brightening the lives of those he meets by whatever means he may.

Drink: Coffee Old-Fashioned

A modern take on an old classic, taking the beloved cocktail and blending it with cold brew espresso for an exciting twist. Topped with an orange peel.
(IG Item: Triple Creme Coffee)

gallery credit: [credits here]